C Camilleri and Sons Ltd
Play the Camilleri tal-Ħelu quiz and win amazing prizes - It's free to play and you could be getting your hands on a Christmas hamper!
How It Works
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Quizzes are Multiple choice or typed answers
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The faster you answer, the more points you get!
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You have up to 3 turns to get a higher score
What you can win!
1st Prize
Hamper worth €85
2nd Prize
Hamper worth €45
3rd Prize
Hamper worth €29
4th Prize
4th to 13th - €10 voucher
Camilleri tal-Ħelu
Camilleri tal-Ħelu, as it’s always been known, was first established in 1843 and is to date the oldest confectionery on the Maltese islands. The company is the authorised distributing partner to several well-known brands such as Haribo, Ritter Sport, La Suissa and Treets, amongst many others. Our flagship store situated in Merchants Street Valletta boasts the largest assortment of pick n’ mix including a variety of over 240 different types of sweets, gummies and chocolates by weight. We also offer an impressive range of gifts and hampers during the festive seasons.